When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Does an ongoing occurrence of poor breathing prevent you from enjoying a proper night’s sleep every night? If so, we encourage you to speak with Dr. Golgoun Habibi or Dr. Saman Sajid about the possibility of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea has two common types, which are obstructive sleep apnea (obstruction in the airway) and central sleep apnea (brain signals being... read more »
Do you have questions about oral hygiene? If so, our dentist, Dr. Golgoun Habibi, would like to help you find the answers. It’s important to find the answers to your oral hygiene questions because oral hygiene is essential for a top-notch oral health and smile. So, to help you, he would like to give you the answers to the following... read more »
If one of your teeth has suffered severe decay or damage, we may do what we can to save the tooth. There are times, however, when the tooth is beyond saving and to protect your health it needs to be extracted. Today, we would like to provide a brief explanation of what you can expect after your tooth extraction is... read more »
Building the best smile possible doesn’t always consist of making sure that your mouth is supremely cleaned on a daily basis. Even if you keep your mouth as clean as possible, the truth is that several risks can still arise. This could be linked to oral accidents or injuries or simply an issue that is occurring deep within your body.... read more »
Were you aware that there’s a right and wrong way to brush your teeth? Did you know that brushing incorrectly can hurt your smile? Today we are providing you with a quick guide to help you brush your teeth properly and safely for what can be a beautiful smile. We recommend that you brush your teeth at least two times... read more »
Ofttimes, people assume that orthodontic treatment must be completed during your pre-teen or teenage years. But what if you missed out on getting braces during that time? Are you stuck with a crooked smile for the rest of your life? The answer is a resounding “No!” You can get a healthier, straighter, easier-to-clean smile at any age! If you require... read more »
When you eat and drink you are not just putting tasty things in your mouth, but things that can help or hurt your oral health. Today we're looking at what you should consuming if you want to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as they can be. Our Aesthetics & Essentials Dental Group team in invites you to consider... read more »
The American Dental Association advocates a consistent daily oral hygiene routine to help reduce your chances of suffering from cavities and gum disease. This consists of brushing your teeth each morning and night, as well as flossing between each of your teeth and around the gumline at least once per day. Inconsistencies in your daily oral hygiene habits can promote... read more »
Gum disease is a destructive periodontal infection that can affect many areas of your oral health if ignored over time. This infection can arise from complications caused by not visiting the dentist for checkups, having poor oral hygiene, smoking or chewing tobacco, or struggling to clean between crooked teeth. Patients may not always be aware that they have gum disease,... read more »